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Education opens to innovative teaching practices, from transparency to academic work and promoting knowledge in culture, literature and art, allowed understanding.

This article reminds us that differences in opinions and ways of looking at the world can contribute to the extent that we understand the anthropological, social and psychological dimensions of the reading.

Writing an argumentative commentary text, first of all, it is necessary to know and define what we are talking about. An argumentative text is a prose composition in which an author reflects, questions, analyses, synthetizes a controversial theme or not. So, if this is an informative text to analyse; it is important to situate the text by dissecting the essential elements to express an opinion knowing that it will always have a symbolic, cognitive dimension in any argument.

Table of contents 1. Valuation of an argumentative text

While reading the situations in everyday life, there was support for the intercultural approach. This is why acting as a teacher is essential to identify the gestures and the ergonomic description of a complex situation.

Being a tutor then requires specific skills in understanding texts despite the pandemic.

But, it is at this point in the sequence that question arise about learning, about how to evaluate it.

Or, is it possible to evaluate a diachronic learning? In fact, this is where any teacher- tutor should educate about ecology, volunteering and gratitude. Since “everything is therefore gesture, and gesture is everything…”

Table of contents 2. Skills of tutor

Knowing that networks are means to connect elsewhere and which we all live there. This is why the importance of understanding the dimensions.

Table of contents 3. Dimensions of an argumentative text


The reformulation of arguments is notable in classical pedagogical research. Bucheron (2009) explains the didactic dimension of literary, opinion, genealogical and digital texts. In her research specifies the value of adjectival categories.

This is why the classification of types of argumentation, reformulation of existing situations or problems of categories


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